
Mods provide for the customization of the Form Builder component, such as the definition of custom input types.

Type Definition

Type definitions are available via TypeScript.

The type definition for Mods is as follows:

interface Mods {
  customFormInputs?: {
    [key: string]: FormInputType;
  components?: {
    add?: (properties?: {
      [key: string]: any;
    }) => ReactElement | ReactElement[] | [];
  tooltipDescriptions?: {
    add?: string;
    cardObjectName?: string;
    cardDisplayName?: string;
    cardDescription?: string;
    cardInputType?: string;
    cardSectionObjectName?: string;
    cardSectionDisplayName?: string;
    cardSectionDescription?: string;
  labels?: {
    formNameLabel?: string;
    formDescriptionLabel?: string;
    objectNameLabel?: string;
    displayNameLabel?: string;
    descriptionLabel?: string;
    inputTypeLabel?: string;
    addElementLabel?: string;
    addSectionLabel?: string;
  showFormHead?: boolean;
  deactivatedFormInputs?: Array<string>;
  newElementDefaultDataOptions?: {
    title: string;
    type?: string;
    description?: string;
    $ref?: string;
    default?: string | number;
  newElementDefaultUiSchema?: { [key: string]: any };

tooltipDescriptions and labels describe how some of the labels and tooltips in the Form Builder are to be customized. showFormHead is a boolean which controls whether the top section of the Form Builder, which contains inputs for the Form Name and Form Description, are show. It is set to true by default.

A single FormInput has a type definition FormInputType as follows:

interface FormInputType {
  displayName: string;
  // given a data and ui schema, determine if the object is of this input type
  matchIf: Array<MatchType>;
  // allowed keys for ui:options
  possibleOptions?: Array<string>;
  defaultDataSchema: {
    [key: string]: any;
  defaultUiSchema: {
    [key: string]: any;
  // the data schema type
  type: DataType;
  // inputs on the preview card
  cardBody: CardComponentType;
  // inputs for the modal
  modalBody?: CardComponentType;

The displayName is the full name of the desired form input. For example, Short Answer is the displayName for the shortAnswer form input.

matchIf is an array of scenarios that will cause the FormBuilder to recognize a piece of Data and UI schema as this custom input type. For more information, see the Matching Algorithm section on this page.

possibleOptions is the set of possible values that can appear after ui:option in the UI schema for this component.

defaultDataSchema is the data schema that gets filled into the component when a user switches to this input type. This default data schema must be a match in the matchIf array, or otherwise when the user switches to the Input Type, it will be immediately unrecognzied and instead be captured by the next applicable input type.

defaultUiSchema is the ui schema that gets filled into the component when a user switches to this input type. It functions similarly to the defaultDataSchema, and must pass the requirements in matchIf.

type is the Data Schema type that this input type defaults to. While a custom form input can have multiple types (would need to be defined in the matchIf array), this refers to the type that gets assigned immediately after a user selects this input type in the dropdown. The possible DataType options supported by react-jsonschema-form are as follows:

type DataType =
  | 'string'
  | 'number'
  | 'boolean'
  | 'integer'
  | 'array'
  | 'object'
  | 'null';

cardBody refers to a React component that gets rendered in the card itself, when expanded. This React component gets a set of Parameters that provide additional information about the FormInput, such as the title or the default properties. For more information, see the Parameters section.

cardModal refers to the React component that appears inside the modal that appears when the form builder clicks on the pencil icon. This React component also receives the same Parameters object, which is explained in further detail in the Parameters section.

The FormBuilder component takes a prop mods, which is a Mods type object.

Custom Form Inputs

The documentation on the Background of the Form Builder lists the set of input types supported by default, but for different use cases, the FormBuilder may be more useful to Form Builders if certain custom types can be inserted. This allows, for example, the definition of an input type that is associated with specific code in ui schema or data schema.

One example is the Time input type - it is a string type element in JSON schema, but is associated with the format: date-time property in the data schema at all times. This means that whenever a Time Input type is defined by a form builder, it is rendered accordingly by whatever form rendering software is used (react-jsonschema-form, for example, renders this as an input line that only allows time value to be entered).

Custom input types are encoded in exactly the same way the Default input types are encoded, and the Default input types are all available in the default directory here.

Matching Algorithm

The matchIf array in a FormInput contains a series of MatchType objects, which represent different possible 'scenarios' that the FormBuilder may encounter when parsing a set of Data and UI Schema. The MatchType is defined as follows:

interface MatchType {
  types: Array<DataType>;
  widget?: string;
  field?: string;
  format?: string;
  $ref?: boolean;
  enum?: boolean;

types refers to the set of possible input types that can register in a particular scenario.

widget is the value for the key ui:widget that can exist in the UI schema for this scenario.

field is the value for the key ui:field that can exist in the UI schema for this scenario.

format is the value for the key format that can exist in the Data schema for this scenario.

$ref is a boolean that evaluates to true if, in this scenario, the input type is a reference to a field in definitions in the Data Schema (in other words, the data schema has a property $ref).

enum is a boolean that evaluates to true if the component has a property enum in the Data Schema.

Component Types

cardBody and modalBody are components whose props have a type of CardComponentType:

type CardComponentType = FunctionComponent<{
  parameters: CardComponentPropsType;
  onChange: (newParams: CardComponentPropsType) => void;
  mods?: Mods;

CardComponentPropsType is a type that describes most params passed between cards and modals.

interface CardComponentPropsType {
  name: string;
  required?: boolean;
  hideKey?: boolean;
  definitionData?: { [key: string]: any };
  definitionUi?: { [key: string]: any };
  neighborNames?: string[];
  dependents?: { children: string[]; value?: any }[];
  dependent?: boolean;
  parent?: string;
  'ui:options'?: { [key: string]: any };
  category?: string;
  schema?: { [key: string]: any };
  type?: string;
  'ui:column'?: string;
  minLength?: number;
  maxLength?: number;
  pattern?: string;
  'ui:autofocus'?: boolean;
  'ui:placeholder'?: string;
  minItems?: number;
  maxItems?: number;
  title?: string;
  $ref?: string;
  format?: string;
  'ui:autocomplete'?: string;
  default?: string | number | boolean;
  items?: { [key: string]: any };
  'ui:*items'?: { [key: string]: any };
  multipleOf?: number | null;
  minimum?: number | null;
  exclusiveMinimum?: number | null;
  maximum?: number | null;
  exclusiveMaximum?: number | null;
  enum?: (number | string)[];
  enumNames?: string[] | null;
  description?: string;

It can hold any number of keys pointing to specific values. One common example is default, which stores the default value specified by the builder for this FormInput.

Tooltips and Labels

By passing in alternative text to the tooltipDescriptions object of the mods prop, the text for various tooltips in the Form Builder can be customized:

  • add - The tooltip when hovering over the button to add a new element/section.
  • cardObjectName - The tooltip for the "Object Name" field for a form element.
  • cardDisplayName - The tooltip for the "Display Name" field for a form element.
  • cardDescription - The tooltip for the "Description" field for a form element.
  • cardInputType - The tooltip for the "Input Type" field for a form element.
  • cardSectionObjectName - The tooltip for the "Object Name" field for a form section.
  • cardSectionDisplayName - The tooltip for the "Display Name" field for a form section.
  • cardSectionDescription - The tooltip for the "Description" field for a form section.

The text for the labels of a few of the inputs in the Form Builder can similarly be customized by specifying a labels object of mods.

  • formNameLabel - The label for the input for the name/title of the entire form.
  • formDescriptionLabel - The label for the input for the description of the entire form.
  • objectNameLabel - The label for the "Object Name" field.
  • displayNameLabel - The label for the "Display Name" field.
  • descriptionLabel - The label for the "Description" field.
  • inputTypeLabel - The label for the "Input Type" field.
  • addElementLabel - The label for the popover option when adding a new form element.
  • addSectionLabel - The label for the popover option when adding a new form section.